The Museum of East Asian Art, Berlin

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Art of the early nomads Chinese ceramics Lacquerware Sculpture Painting Textiles

The Museum of East Asian Art in Berlin (Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst) shares the same building in the Dahlem section of the city with the Museum of Indian Art. Both institutions are part of the state-run Museum complex, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preussischeer Kulturbesitz. The collections suffered greatly in World War II, some being destroyed, others taken by the occupying Soviet army and never returned. Major acquisitions have re-built the collection, which also benefits from long-term loans of materials in other collections. The selection in the photographs below emphasizes Chinese ceramics and the stunning display of Buddhist sculpture. With two exceptions, the important collections of paintings and prints held by the museum are not represented here. For information about quality issues in the photography, see the introductory comments for our museum pages and for the Museum of Indian Art.

A brief and now dated web page introducing the Museum may be accessed by clicking here.

A good selection of objects from the collection is to be found in the pocket guide:
Museum of East Asian Art Berlin (= Prestel Museum Guide) (Munich etc.: Prestel Verlag, 2001) (abbreviated below as MEAAB), which is also available in other languages.

The material is organized here in the following sub-sections, with the arrangement within each section being roughly chronological.