OAM, Berlin :: Lacquerware

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Dish with design of pommel scrolls (ruyi)
Late Song or early Yüan Dynasties, 13th-14th c. Carved black lacquer with traces of red.
Inv. Nr. 94
Dish with design of "phoenix-parrots"
Yüan Dynasty, early 14th c. Wood, red carved lacquer.
Inv. Nr. 96
Circular box with floral design
Ming Dynasty, Yongle era (1403-1424). Carved red lacquer, signed "Da Ming Yongle nianzhi."
Inv. Nr. 88
Circular box with design of pommel scrolls (ruyi)
Ming Dynasty, 15th c. Wood, carved black lacquer and layers of red lacquer (tixi).
Inv. Nr. 95
Ingot-shaped tray
Ming Dynasty, Jiajing era (1522-1566), signed. Wood, carved polychrome lacquer.
Inv. Nr. 97
    Imperial throne and triptych screen.
Qing Dynasty, 3rd quarter of 17th c. Rosewood with inlay in mother-of-pearl, gold and silver foil, colored lacquer and gold paint. The screen shows Daoist Western Paradise. The throne itself measures 105 x 106 x 73.5 cm.
Pub.: MEAAB, p. 35
ex-Fritz Low-Beer Coll.; Inv. Nr. 1972-15