SMC tree list generation database developer distribution installation

SMC tree list generation database developer distribution installation instructions

Obtain the SMC login and password required to access the SMC tree list generation database download page and log into the download page.

Decide where the tree list generation database executable files, documentation, source code, and data files should reside on the hard drive, creating any directories if necessary.

Create a temporary directory, tlgtemp,

prompt> mkdir tlgtemp

where the tree list generation database .zip file archive will be placed and its files extracted. This is done to make cleanup easier in the event of an error of some sort.

Download the program unzip.exe from the download page of the tree list generation database web site, placing it into the the temporary directory tlgtemp.

Download the developer distribution of the tree list generation database from download page of the tree list generation database web site, the filename is, also placing it into the the temporary directory tlgtemp. A logon ID and password are required for this download operation.

Extract the files and directories for the developer distribution using the program unzip.exe,

prompt> unzip tlgv1r0d

which will automatically preserve the directory structure of the distribution. This creates a directory tree in the current directory with the top level directory name tlgv1r0d, which contains subdirectories for the documentation, the executable files, and a tree list generation database. This requires approximately 90Mb.

The directory tlgv1r0d should contain the following subdirectories.

data This directory contains the various data files used to create a tree list generation database and a tree list generation database.

doc This directory contains the documentation for the tree list generation database software.

exe This directory contains the executable programs which comprise the interface to a tree list generation database.

libs This directory contains the object libraries used to build the executable programs.

src This directory contains the Fortran 90/95 source code for the tree list generation database executables, library, and supporting subroutines.

Place the executable files from the directory


into a directory which is on the executable file search path or add the path tlgv1r0d/exe to the executable file search path.

Place the tree list generation database directory


and all of its subdirectories, into the location on the hard drive where the tree list generation database data should reside, creating a directory if necessary.

Place the documentation files from the directory


into the directory for the tree list generation database documentation.

Place the tree list generation database source code directory,


and all of its subdirectories, into the location on the hard drive where the tree list generation database source code should reside, creating a directory if necessary.

The developer distribution of the SMC tree list generation database is now installed and should be usable.


Contact the SMC silviculture project:

Last Updated on AUG-41-2001