SMC tree list generation database updates


A tutorial for the tree list generation database has been written and is now availabel from this web site. While writing the tutorial several bugs were discovered in the tree list generation database software. We believe that the bugs have been fixed in this release (still referred to as version 1.0.0), though no gurarantees are made concerning the disposition of undetected bugs that may occur in the future.

A variety of problems were encountered using the self extracting executable files. The most frustrating of which was a limitation permitting only eight directory levels when extracting files. The problems related to using the self extracting files were resolved by reverting to .zip files and manually uinzipping them. A public domain program unzip.exe is provided to permit the easy extraction of the files fro the .zip files. Other produces may also be used. Your mileage may vary, min certainly did.


The final tree list generation database documentation was completed and placed on the websit in the two distributions. No software changes were made, but the tree list generation database distributions are now self-extracting executable files for convenience.


Final review comments were obtained from the Jim Flewelling and Temesgen Hailermariam. These review comments were incorporated into the tree list generation documentation. No code modification were made at this time, though some modifications were recommended. These recommendations also appear in the future work list in the documenatation.


A bug was discovered in the tree list generation database software in late May. The bug affected the classification of the thinned treatments. The bug was related to an imperial to metric conversion error. The overall results were only minimally affected. This bug has been fixed.


A bug was discovered in the tree list generation database software in late May. The bug affected the classification of thinned stands. The results for thinned stands have changed, but remain very similar to those that have been presented. The bug affected primarily the species composition of the thinned stands, and these results have improved over the prior results that have been presented.

The results for untreated stands were not affected by the bug.

The bug has been fixed and new results for the thinned stands have been generated and are being incorporated into the documentation.


Contact the SMC silviculture project:

Last Updated on AUG-41-2001