Division of Nuclear Medicine

File Headers

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History files and histogram files share a header format. There is a general code module named "LbHeader.c" which manages the creation and up-keep of this header format. There is a PHG specific code module named "PhgHdr.c" which manages the specific content of these headers. This page will discuss general characterstics of the headers, for complete details please refer to these code modules.

Also note that there are some utility programs that will demonstrate how to access the headers, in particular, the file print.header.c demonstrates how to read in a header and initialize all of the internal PHG data structures.

One of the important features of the header is to allow binning files to be added to one another. The header maintains the necessary information to modify the weights and weight squared sums in order to do this. Other than this, the header primarily contains information to allow the user to know precisely how the simulation was set up.

The header sizes are fixed at 32768 bytes to make processing them simple. Not all of this space is used, ample amounts are available for future changes.

Each element in the header contains three parts, the element ID, the element size (in bytes), and the element data. The first two items are four bytes long while the element data is specified by the second field, element size.

All of the element IDs used in the PHG can be found in the file PhgHdr.h. The elements are grouped by the module which controls each element included in the header.

Below is the output from print.header.c. Note that not every element in the header is included explicitly because some items are used to make logical interpretations.


Header is for Binning Module Histogram File of Weights
Header Version :2.00
Header Size :32768
Events to Simulate :40000
Random Seed :2
Length of Scan (seconds) :60
Acceptance Angle (degrees) :90.00
Sine of Acceptance Angle :1.00
Minimum Energy (keV) :511.0
Min Weight Window Ratio :1.0
Max Weight Window Ratio :1.0
Nuclide Photon Energy :511.0
Forced Detection :FALSE
Stratification :FALSE
Forced NonAbsorbtion :FALSE
Create History File :FALSE
Adjust For Positron Range :TRUE
Adjust For Collinearity :FALSE
Pre-Computed Productivities :FALSE
Point Source Voxels :FALSE
Line Source Voxels :FALSE
Binning on the Fly :TRUE
Parameter File :phg.params
Activity Index File :ptsrc_act_indexes
Activity Table File :/simset/phgdev/phg.data/phg_act_table
Activity Table File :
Activity Index Translation File :/simset/phgdev/phg.data/phg_act_index_trans
Activity Image File :
Attenuation Index File :ptsrc_att_indexes
Attenuation Table File :/simset/phgdev/phg.data/phg_att_table
Attenuation Index File :/simset/phgdev/phg.data/phg_att_index_trans
Attenuation Image File :
Productivity Input File :
Productivity Ouput File :
Statistics Ouput File :
Photon History File :
Binning Parameters File :bin.params
Binning: number of Z bins 1
Binning: number of PA bins 1
Binning: number of TD bins 128
Binning: number of AA bins 128
Binning: number of Eenergy(1) bins 0
Binning: number of Energy(2) bins 0
Binning: number of Scatter(1) bins 1
Binning: number of Scatter(2) bins 1
Binning: number of PHI bins 0
Binning: number of Theta bins 0
Binning: number of Xr bins 0
Binning: number of Yr bins 0
Binning: number of image bins 16384
Binning: scatter parameter 0
Binning: min Z position -10.000
Binning: max Z position 10.000
Binning: min Polar Aangle 0.000
Binning: max Polar Angle 0.000
Binning: min Transaxial Distance -20.000
Binning: max Transaxial Distance 20.000
Binning: min Azimuthal Angle 0.000
Binning: max Azimuthal Angle 3.142
Binning: min Energy 50.000
Binning: max Energy 511.000
Binning: min number of scatters 0
Binning: max number of scatters 9
Binning: min Phi 0.000
Binning: max Phi 0.000
Binning: min Theta -1.571
Binning: max Theta 1.571
Binning: min Xr 0.000
Binning: max Xr 0.000
Binning: min Yr 0.000
Binning: max Yr 0.000
Binning: Do SSRB = false
Binning: Do MSRB = false
Binning: image_radius 0.000
Binning: detector_radius -1.000
Binning: not adding to existing images
Binning: creating count image
Binning: creating weight image
Binning: creating weight squared image
Binning: range on Z values 20.000
Binning: range on energy values 461.000
Binning: range on scatter values 10.000
Binning: range on transaxial distance values 40.000
Binning: range on theta values 3.142
Binning: range on phi values 0.000
Binning: range on Xr values 0.000
Binning: range on Yr values 0.000
Binning: size of theta space in count image 0
Binning: size of theta space in weight image 0
Binning: size of theta space in weight squared image 0
Binning: size of phi space in count image 0
Binning: size of phi space in weight image 0
Binning: size of phi space in weight squared image 0
Binning: size of Xr space in count image 0
Binning: size of Xr space in weight image 0
Binning: size of Xr space in weight squared image 0
Binning: size of Yr space in count image 16384
Binning: size of Yr space in weight image 0
Binning: size of Yr space in weight squared image 0
Binning: size of scatter(2) space in count image 16384
Binning: size of scatter(2) space in weight image 16384
Binning: size of scatter(2) space in weight squared image 16384
Binning: size of scatter(1) space in count image 16384
Binning: size of scatter(1) space in weight image 16384
Binning: size of scatter(1) space in weight squared image 16384
Binning: size of energy(2) space in count image 1
Binning: size of energy(2) space in weight image 1
Binning: size of energy(2) space in weight squared image 1
Binning: size of energy(1) space in count image 1
Binning: size of energy(1) space in weight image 1
Binning: size of energy(1) space in weight squared image 1
Binning: size of azimuthal angle space in count image 1
Binning: size of azimuthal angle space in weight image 1
Binning: size of azimuthal angle space in weight squared image 1
Binning: size of transaxial distance space in count image 128
Binning: size of transaxial distance space in weight image 128
Binning: size of transaxial distance space in weight squared image 128
Binning: size of polar angle space in count image 0
Binning: size of polar angle space in weight image 0
Binning: size of polar angle space in weight squared image 0
Binning: size of z-axis position(2) space in count image 16384
Binning: size of z-axis position(2) space in weight image 16384
Binning: size of z-axis position(2) space in weight squared image 16384
Binning: size of z-axis position(1) space in count image 16384
Binning: size of z-axis position(1) space in weight image 16384
Binning: size of z-axis position(1) space in weight squared image 16384
Binning: count image 65536
Binning: size of weight image 131072
Binning: size of weight squared image 131072
Binning: weight image type 2
Binning: count image type 2
Binning: ordering of dimensions is as follows, from slowest varying down to quickest
scatters from photon '1'
scatters from photon '2'
Z position of photon '1'
Z position of photon '2'
transaxial distance
azimuthal angle
energy from photon '1'
energy from photon '2'
File has not been attenuation corrected

Target Cylinder
radius = 5.50
zMin = -10.00
zMax = 10.00
centerX = 0.00 centerY = 0.00

Object Cylinder
radius = 5.45
zMin = -10.00 zMax = 10.00
centerX = 0.00 centerY = 0.00

Limit Cylinder
radius = 5.50
zMin = -10.00 zMax = 10.00
centerX = 0.00 centerY = 0.00

Critical Zone
radius = 5.45
zMin = -10.00 zMax = 10.00
centerX = 0.00 centerY = 0.00

Number of Photons in History :3238
Number of Decays in History :0
Number of Simulations in History :1
Sum of Events to Simulate in History :40000

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Last revised by: Steven Vannoy
Revision date: 08 Mar 1999