Biofutures in a Globalized World

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2012-2013 COLLOQUIUM SERIES: Lectures in our Fall Quarter 2012 pilot course, Research Ethics Exposed! are open to the community (Mondays, 10:30 - 11:20 am in Mary Gates 271). See Presenter Schedule.

Bi-weekly Colloquia 2011-2012

The colloquium on Biological Futures meets bi-weekly throughout the academic year, hosted by the Simpson Center for the Humanities (UW). The format of these colloquia vary: they include guest speakers, panel discussions, and readings-based seminars. We welcome suggestions of focal topics, readings, and speakers (local and visiting). Let us know, too, if you'd like to receive e-mail notices of upcoming colloquia. Please contact:

  • Suzanne Long (Program Coordinator, Biological Futures): suzelong[at]
  • Alison Wylie (PI, Biological Futures; Philosophy and Anthropology): aw26[at]
  • Brandon Morgan-Olsen (Research Associate, Biological Futures in a Globalized World): olsenb3[at]

In Winter and Spring 2012 the Biological Futures colloquia focus on issues central to the Research Ethics Project: what constitutes ethically responsible conduct of research in rapidly evolving fields where the potential benefits and threats include long term, often global social and ecological impacts. Join our panelists and speakers for:

  • cross-field comparisons of the ethical challenges posed by innovation and emerging technologies in diverse research fields;
  • assessments of how these challenges are understood when considered in terms of different ethical, normative frames;
  • reflection on how best to engage these issues, with a focus on what we need to know empirically to address them, and how empirical investigation bears on normative questions about the values that do or should inform our responses to them.

Colloquium Schedule

Spring Quarter 2012

April 9 (4pm, Simpson Center): A Case for Pluralism in Science

  • Part of the UW Department of Philosophy Spring Colloquium
  • Visiting Speaker: Hasok Chang (History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge)
  • For more information, see the event flyer (pdf)
  • Listen to a podcast (mp3) of the event

April 23 (4pm, Simpson Center): Intellectual Property and Molecular Biology: Biomedicine, Commerce, and the CCR5 Gene Patent

  • Visiting Speaker: Myles Jackson (History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, NYU)
  • Visit sponsored by The Kammeyer Fund for the History of Science and Technology
  • For more information, see the event flyer (pdf)
  • Listen to a podcast (mp3) of the event
  • See the PowerPoint slides (pdf)

May 7 (4:30pm, Savery 408): The Ethics of Scientific Writing: How to Write and How Not to Write a Paper

May 21 (4pm, Simpson Center): Neural Engineering: the intellectual and physical interface between technology and life

Previous Quarters:

Winter Quarter 201

January 23 (12:30pm, Simpson Center): On Internalization: Ethics Maxims for the Biological Sciences

  • Convened by Gaymon Bennet (CBF Fellow, Hutchinson Center) and Meg Stalcup (CBF Fellow, Hutchinson Center)
  • For more information, see abstract (pdf)
  • Listen to a podcast (mp3) of the event

January 30 (CANCELED): What 'Biological Futures' issues are of concern to practicing scientists? And how best can humanists and social scientists address them?

  • We regret that the colloquium originally scheduled for today has been canceled.

February 13 (4pm, Simpson Center): Anticipatory Governance of Emerging Technologies

February 14 (5:00 - 6:30 pm, Rose Room, UW-Bothell): Innovation Squared: Why innovations in technology require innovations in ethics

  • A panel convened by Gwen Ottinger (Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW-Bothell)

February 27 (4pm, Simpson Center): A Genealogical Pragmatist Approach to Problems of Biopolitics and Infopolitics

Fall Quarter 2011

October 10 (Simpson Center): Emerging Issues in Biological Futures

  • Panelists: Matt Sparke (Geography, UW), Leah Ceccarelli (Communication, UW), Gaymon Bennett (CBF Fellow, Hutchinson Center)
  • Moderator: Alison Wylie (Philosophy and Anthropology, UW; Biological Futures PI)
  • For more information, see the event flyer (pdf)
  • Listen to a podcast (mp3) of the event

November 7 (Simpson Center): Emerging Issues in Biological Futures II: A Panel Discussion on Global Health

  • Panelists: Celia Lowe (Anthropology, UW), Meg Stalcup (CBF Fellow, Hutchinson Center), Luke Bergmann (Geography, UW)
  • Moderator: Matt Sparke (Geography, UW)
  • For more information, see the event flyer (pdf)
  • Listen to a podcast (mp3) of the event

November 30 (4pm, Simpson Center): Biological Threats and Biological Futures

  • Presentations by Roger Brent (Center for Biological Futures, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) and Alison Wylie (Philosophy and Anthropology, UW)
  • Informal discussion with Forum on Science Ethics and Policy (FOSEP)
  • See the PowerPoint slides (pdf)
  • Listen to a podcast (mp3) of the event

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