SSNet Curriculum Project (2008-2013)

The Curriculum and Program Development section of the 2008-09 Science Studies Network Proposal has more information about these initiatives.

For listings of STS courses that are or have been taught at the University of Washington, see:

We’ve been defining “science and technology studies” broadly, to include:

  • history and philosophy of science, technology, and medicine;
  • cultural studies of science, technology, and medicine;
  • research ethics, equity issues in the sciences, and science/technology policy.


Curriculum Town Hall Meeting

At this year’s Curriculum Town Hall meeting, on January 12, 2009, we discussed the following:

  • existing STS programs: updates on the Bothell STS track, Integrated Science program, HPS
  • catalog of STS courses
  • navigational tools: outline of WIKI design
  • graduate certificate: discussion of Graduate School program requirements and models for an STS certificate [pdf Certificate Proposal Handout]
  • core STS courses: discussion of the prospects for developing a suite of core courses to support a graduate certificate and enrich undergraduate offerings

For more information about the results of this meeting, contact the SSNet organizers.