UW STSS Projects and Events

A great many STSS visitors come to the UW campus each year, and a number of discussion groups meet regularly, sponsored by SSNet members’ home departments and by working groups in related areas. If you have information about any event that might be of interest to SSNet members, be sure to send us the information so we can post the date and details on our calendar, or send a notice directly to the SSNet email list:

SSNet events drop-box
SSNet contact email: ssnet@uw.edu
SSNet distribution list: ssnet_list@uw.edu

Philosophy of Science

The UW Philosophy of Science Group continues its successful bi-weekly meetings this year. Its aim is to support faculty and graduate student research through a mix of readings-based meetings and discussions of work in progress by faculty and graduate students. All interested faculty and graduate students are welcome to join us! Discussion group meetings are scheduled for Mondays at 3:30 in Savery 408, three or four times each quarter.

To receive regular email notices of Philosophy of Science meetings, please contact:

or check the SSNet calendar for upcoming meetings.

History of Science
Please join us every Monday from 12:30 - 1:20 pm in Smith 306 for the Monday Colloquium in History of Science and STS. The colloquium is an opportunity for scholars in the field to share their work or works-in-progress with their peers in an informal setting. The topics vary significantly, but all fall within the broader purview of science studies. If you're interested in sharing your work, either this quarter or sometime during the year, please contact Antony Adler (adlerant@uw.edu) or Bruce Hevly (bhevly@uw.edu).

FOSEP: Forum on Science, Ethics, and Policy

FOSEP is a multidisciplinary organization of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows hosted by the Graduate School that provides a unique opportunity for dialogue about the impact of science in our world. FOSEP continues to be an exciting and rewarding way of developing leadership skills for us, its graduate student and postdoctoral members. FOSEP also organizes events about the intersection of science and society for other members of the UW and greater Seattle community. For news and current events: http://seattle.fosep.org/