SSNet brings together faculty and graduate students at the University of Washington who share an interest in Science, Technology and Society Studies (STSS):

  • history and philosophy of science;
  • social and cultural studies of science and technology;
  • ethics, equity and policy issues in the STEM fields.

We sponsor speakers, colloquia, workshops and conferences, and we maintain a calendar of STSS-related events on the University of Washington campuses and in the region. See About SSNet and the Archive and Podcast links for the details of for the details of past SSNet programs.

Notices for upcoming events are circulated through the SSNet email list and are available on the SSNet Calendar. To join SSNet and receive email notices please fill in the subscription form at the following link: SSNet Mailing List.

Click here for a list of individuals on the steering committee.


Get Connected

UW STSS Projects & Events

Regional and Affiliated STS networks

Support SSNet

The SSNet Gift Fund is dedicated to supporting the research and teaching missions of the SSNet: sponsoring colloquia, visiting speakers, fellowships and working groups, and the STSS Certificate - especially student projects. Donations large and small are most welcome! To contribute click here and search for "Friends of the Science Studies Network."