Workshop Structure

9:00-10:00 Participant Introductions
Researchers introduce their academic affiliations and briefly explain the role of feminisms in their research. Community members briefly describe their work and what they hope to gain from this workshop experience, or potential academic collaborations.

10:00-11:30 Works in Progress (WIP) Presentations
Participants give brief presentations on projects in progress.

11:30 Crosscutting themes from WIP Presentations
Workshop participants and organizers will synthesize themes that emerged from the presentations and feedback discussions.

12:30 Lunch

2:00 Moving Seminar
Inspired by STS scholar Mol’s “walking seminar,” participants will organize into pairs around various concerns raised during the WIP presentations. This will be an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to discuss issues not typically addressed in traditional academic fora.

3:00 Zine making
Workshop participants and organizers discuss observations from the day and begin to produce accounts in the form of a zine—a self-published magazine typically reproduced with a photocopier.

4:30-5:30 Future Steps
We will articulate concrete goals to follow up on after the workshop. These goals will be contingent on the conversations from the rest of the day, but it can include publications (e.g., a Special Issue of JCSCW, or others), or new research collaborations. Discuss forming a feminist CSCW listserv, produce a timeline for publishing the zine, and set meetings for potential journal special issue proposals.

5:30-6:00 Closing