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Talking About Abstinence: Topics to Explore Category
Talking to Parents

Ideas are given via lessons, activities and video clips for those adults trying to encourage open communication between youth and their parents.


Coming Out to Parents
After viewing media examples of characters coming out to parents, youth discuss some of the emotions and thoughts involved in youth coming out to their parents. Participants read and discuss coming out stories written by LGBT youth. Community support groups like PFLAG are also discussed. Due to sensitive subject matter, advanced preparation is required.

Talking with Parents About Sex
Participants view and discuss a series of video clips showing a panel of teens talking about obstacles and advice for parents to consider when talking to teens about sex. Youth then brainstorm their own advice lists, and summarize their ideas by creating a piece of print media for parents.

TV Parents
After brainstorming a list of TV parents they like to watch, participants evaluate characters for their ability to problem-solve, give advice, and behave well in a crisis—particularly an occurrence of teen pregnancy.


Interesting Couples
To explore how romantic relationships can be affected by culture, participants interview their parents about one of their family’s most interesting couples, and the cultural context of their courtship.

Parent Interview
To encourage open and honest dialogue, participants are asked to interview their parents about love, relationships, and romantic feelings.

Reaching Parents Through Radio
Participants consider the obstacles and advantages in communicating with parents as a way of addressing teen health issues, then create their own messages for parents in the format of a radio PSA.

Learning About STIs with the Folks
Youth create board games that help educate teens and their parents about STIs.

Online Resources for Parents
Participants examine and evaluate a variety of online resources for and about parents talking to teens about sex, then compile a list of resources they recommend.

Posters for Parents
Youth create posters with messages for parents about talking to teens about sex.

When Is It Okay?
Youth and parents complete a chart that examines the appropriateness of various sexual and romantic behaviors, exchange papers and discuss.

Watching Together
Participants open a dialogue with parents or guardians by watching and discussing TV shows with romantic or sexual content.

For More On Talking to Parents, See:

Your Parents’ Movies
To examine how portrayals of love, relationships, and sexuality in films have changed over time, participants interview their parents about films they watched as teenagers.


Media Literacy 101 Using Sex to Sell Talking About Abstinence Reducing Risks Reading Media Be the Judge Producing Media
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