Teen Futures Media Network

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Violence and the Media
The Violence and Media project is a violence prevention effort directed to middle and high school students. Using media as the hook to engage students in discussion, this enthusiastically received curriculum provokes students to analyze, evaluate and reflect on the meaning of violence in their own lives, their schools and the broader community. The material engages students in serious deliberations on the topic of violence and leads them to develop their own approach to violence prevention in their schools.

Teens Tobacco & Media
Teens, Tobacco & Media contains six lessons that are designed to empower teens to use the media to take action in their community against big tobacco. Washington State teens helped develop each of the six lessons, which are specifically designed to be presented by teens to teens. Each lesson has supporting overheads, handouts, and video clips to reinforce and strengthen the lesson. Each lesson also includes an engaging activity to summarize and review the key concepts. The Tool Kit contains all supporting materials teens need to deliver the lessons, including, paper, colored pens, and props.

Youth Empowered by Abstinence (YEA!)
YEA! is sponsored by the Department of Health and was formed as a statewide group to promote abstinence through a variety of media campaign efforts in their local communities. YEA! members work to publicize the contest in their local areas to schools, churches and a wide variety of community groups serving teens.

o2 : A Teen-Driven Zine
In 2002, Teen Futures, working with a statewide board of teens, launched Washington's first teen-driven tobacco prevention zine as a part of the Department of Health's broader tobacco prevention efforts. This zine entitled o2 has already been a success, attracting considerable attention across the state.


In a survey of girls 9 and 10 years old, 40% have tried to lose weight, according to an ongoing study funded by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute