Research Scientist, Department of Pharmaceutics
Dr. Qingxin Mu joined Prof. Rodney Ho’s lab as a Research Scientist in June, 2017. Dr. Mu received his PhD degree in Shandong University in China, 2010. From 2007-2009, he studied in Department of Chemical Biology and Therapeutics in St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital as an International Research Scholar. From 2010-2016, he carried out his postdoctoral research in Department of Chemical Biology and Therapeutics in St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in University of Kansas, and Department of Materials Science and Engineering in University of Washington. From 2016-2017, he was appointed as an Acting Instructor in UW MSE. His past research include nanoparticle-based cancer therapeutics and nanoparticle biological activity studies. Dr. Mu received training in several fields including chemistry, materials science, nanotechnology, cell and molecular biology, and pharmaceutical sciences. His current tasks include formulation, characterization and evaluation of long-acting lipid-based drug combination nanoparticles for anticancer and anti-HIV drug delivery.