2006 Concurrency

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Study Purpose

The purpose of this effort is to provide advice to the Washington State Legislature as part of its planned review of transportation concurrency legislation in the 2007 legislative session.  The study will focus on developing guidance that will improve the regional and multimodal nature of transportation concurrency practices in Washington State. 

The study is being performed in support of Second Substitute House Bill (2SHB) 1565.  2SHB 1565 calls for analyzing approaches to concurrency that better integrate roadway and transit planning, maintain ability to achieve centers-based development objectives, and allow for tailoring standards to different geographies (centers) and targeted transportation problems (peak hour travel).  Specifically, 2SHB1565 calls for developing a regional approach to address transportation concurrency in regional growth centers that measures vehicle level of service (LOS) for off-peak periods and total multimodal capacity for peak-periods.

The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is leading the study effort.  The Washington State Transportation Center at the University of Washington, supported by the Evans School of Public Affairs, and the Department of Urban Design and Planning are conducting the study.  The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is administering the funds, and will deliver the final report to the Washington State Legislature by December 31, 2006.  The Washington Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (DCTED) is providing input and technical assistance. 


Revised February 2, 2007

The 2006 Concurrency Study Web site is maintained by the Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC) at the University of Washington. For more information, contact Ron Porter (206.543.3341).