2007 Concurrency

Links to Related Web Sites


Concurrency Resources

Materials Related to the 2006 and 2003 Concurrency Reports

Reports and Published Materials

Hallenbeck, Mark E., Dan Carlson, and Jill Simmons. The Concurrency Calculation Process: Current Procedures and Potential Alternatives. Seattle, Washington: Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC). November 2002.

Hallenbeck, Mark E. Study Literature Review. Seattle, Washington: Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC). November 2002.

Moudon, Anne Vernez, and D.W. Sohn, Transportation-Efficient Land Use Mapping Index (TELUMI)
Phase 3 of Integrating Land Use and Transportation Investment Decision-Making
. June 2006.

Puget Sound Regional Council. Assessing the Effectiveness of Transportation Concurrency.



House Local Government Committee Presentation. November 30, 2006

House Local Government Committee Presentation. January 18, 2007

Multimodal Concurrency: Findings for Tasks 4, 5 and 6. Presentation to Advisory Committee.

Transportation Concurrency: The Provision of "Adequate Transportation Facilities," Integrating Land Use and Transportation. Presentation to Advisory Board. May 2006.


Additional Concurrency-Related Materials

Reports and Published Materials

Hendricks, Sara J., and Cecilia Dyhouse. Land Developer Participation in Providing for Bus Transit Facilities and Operations. Tampa, Florida: Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida. March 2002.

Steiner, R. L., I. Li, P. Shad, and M. Brown. Multimodal Trade-off Analysis in Traffic Impact Studies. Final Report. University of Florida (Prepared for Office of Systems Planning, Florida Department of Transportation). May 2003.

Swenson, Carol J., and Frederick C. Dock. Urban Design, Transportation, Environment and Urban Growth: Transit-Supportive Urban Design Impacts on Suburban Land Use and Transportation Planning. Transportation and Regional Growth Study of the Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota. 2003.

Trohimovich, T. Current Issues in Growth Management/Land Use and Transportation: The "New Cities" Approach. Seattle, Washington: 1000 Friends of Washington. October 2001.

Trohimovich, T. Presentation Outline: 2002 Comprehensive Plan Update Workshop Session on Concurrency. Seattle, Washington: 1000 Friends of Washington. November 2001.



Transportation-Efficient Land Use Mapping Index (TELUMI) Presentation to Puget Sound Regional Council, June 2006.



Revised July 9, 2007

The 2006 Concurrency Study Web site is maintained by the Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC) at the University of Washington. For more information, contact Ron Porter (206.543.3341).