
The TraceLab was established through the generous support of the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust together with contributions from the College of the Environment,  Earth and Space Sciences, School of Oceanography, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, Quaternary Research Center, NOAA-PMEL,  and the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean.

The lead PI’s of the facility are Profs. Randie Bundy (Bundy Lab),  Frankie Pavia and Alex Gagnon (Gagnon Lab) of Oceanography, as well as Prof. Marjorie Cantine  of ESS. In addition, 12 other faculty and researchers from across the UW community have contributed to building the facility and continue to support TraceLab with their expertise.

The facility is managed by Research Scientist Jakub Sliwinski (jakubs2@uw.edu) who brings more than a decade of academic and analytical experience to the TraceLab.