What is Adoption?

Adoption is the legal procedure of taking a child into one’s home and raising him/her as one’s own. Our website informs viewers of the different types of adoption; describes the adoption process and provides other essential information. Our website is designed to answer the most common questions about what adoption is. The site answers questions regarding reasons for which some people adopt and about the people who normally adopt children. (Dictionary of English Language)

Adopting a child is not an easy process. In many cases the process takes a long time depending on the race of the child. If one is interested in adopting a European American child, one could be waiting longer than if one was adopting a child from another race. Adopting children from a different ethnic group than the parents might end up causing problems. This might become a difficult situation because many times the children feel different from their family members. Adopting is not always a positive act. It can be seen as negative also because the parents seem to be buying children like any other product. Because the one who is adopting is making decisions about the type of baby that he or she wants, adoption might be seen as a racial act by some people.

Whenever most people hear the word adoption they think of the positive aspects of this legal act. We mainly hear about the good things that adoption brings, but we rarely hear anything negative on the matter. We thought to put a question on our survey asking the teens if they believed whether adoption was a negative act or if it was not. Out of the combined fifty females and males, three males and five females said yes. Those who said no were fifteen males and twenty-seven females. Below is the graph of our finding from this question. Do you feel adoption is a negative act?