
  1. Adoption
    1. What is Adoption?
      1. Would you consider adoption a negative act?-Graph
    2. Who Adopts?
      1. Do you feel people should adopt?-Graph
    3. Why Do People Adopt?
      1. Would you accept an adopted child into your family?-Graph
    4. Adoption Process
      1. Would you adopt a child?-Graph
    5. Statistics
      1. Graph
    6. Types of Adoption
      1. Interview with Relative Adoptee-Terrell
    7. Why are Kids Given Up for Adoption?
  2. The Adoptee's Mind
    1. Why was I adopted?
    2. Who are my biological parents?
    3. Effects
      1. Can being adopted affect the personality of a child?-Graph
    4. Help for Kids
  3. Parent Perspective
    1. Do I tell my child they are adopted?
      1. What age should a person be told they are adopted?-Graph
    2. Teens
  4. Annotated Bibliogaphy
  5. Interactives
    1. Crossword
    2. Word Search
    3. Interviews
      1. Terrell
      2. Shareena
      3. Do you feel people should adopt?
      4. Would you adopt a child?
      5. Would you accept an adopted child into your family?
      6. Should people adopt a child of their own race?
      7. What age should a person be told they are adopted?
      8. Can being adopted affect the personality of a child?
      9. Is adoption a selfish act from the parents?
      10. Do you think adopted/foster children have more chances of dealing with drugs?
      11. Would you consider adoption a negative act?
      12. Does being adopted make you different from the majority?
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