Who Normally Adopts?

Given that one must be at least twenty-one years of age to adopt, many various groups of people choose to permanently take a child into their homes to take care of him/her. Those who usually adopt include, but are not limited to, married couples, common law couples, homosexual couples, and also single parents. Physically and mentally disabled people make up a substantial group of prospective adoptive parents. However, they must show that they can meet all of the children’s needs.
("What kinds of people Adopt")

The people who normally adopt are mostly adopting for their own wants and needs. Very few people do it with a purpose of giving the children a better life. Sometimes the people who adopt are looked at as if they were selfish. This is because they are choosing the baby that they like, from the sex of the baby to the color of his or her skin. Of course this is not the case of every person that adopts, but it is for many people. If the child does not respond to the parents the way they want him or her to respond, they may end up with having a Post Adoption Depression.

Since mostly everyone can adopt with certain exceptions, we presented a question asking do you feel people should adopt. We surveyed a number of fifty teens from ages fourteen to eighteen years of age. This question was only one of numerous questions on the survey we conducted. For this question we only wanted a yes or no answer. Out of the fifty teens there were eighteen males and thirty-two females. In the results we found that only one person from each gender felt that people should not adopt. From the information we accumulated, below is a graph on our results.

Who Cannot Adopt

In most cases everybody is not allowed to adopt. Same sex adoption which is not new, but has become popular, has come to be a problem. Only four states allow same sex adoption: Vermont, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and California. Florida fully bans same sex adoption.
("Both Sides of the Issue")

In the United Kingdom, there is a problem with weight issues, where a quarter of the population is overweight. Weight seems to be a problem when it comes to adopting. When filling out the application the agency may tell the person who is adopting that their weight will be an issue and they may not. Receiving a BMI (Body Mass Index) will determine the agency’s decision when allowing the adopter to adopt a child or not. Reasons for doing this are for the children to experience a long life with the adoptive parents. Many in the UK that have a weight issue totally go against this part of the adoption process. They feel that their weight would not be an issue and their weight has nothing to do with the love and care that they would have for the child. The main decision should not be based upon weight, but if it was based upon something else it would not be such an issue.
("To Heavy to Adopt")

Most agencies prohibit people who are under the age of 21, and there is no limit to age above 21, but agencies would like to know if the person adopting can keep up with the child once he/she reaches a certain age. Couples are allowed to adopt, however there are exceptions depending on the couples sexual orientation and type of agency. Some agencies have religious beliefs that deny same sex couples who want to adopt a child. Agency requirements vary, but some do recommend that the couple has to have lived together for several of years.

Single parents can adopt also, but they are not normally offered new born babies because the agency doesn’t believe they can handle all of that own their own. Divorced couples are even allowed to adopt and if one of the spouses have other children that makes it better because agencies like to match up the children with the same age group rather than throwing a child in a home with an infant and a teenager. A conviction of any severances’ especially regarding a child will result with the agency telling the adopter that they are denied. In England if the conviction took place when the person looking to adopt was under the age of eighteen that offense will not hold you back from adopting. Even if a member of the adopter’s household has been convicted of a crime the agency will have no choice but to deny them. The agency feels that they would be placing the child in danger and most of the kids are coming from traumatic situations already. When adopting a child, the adopter does not have to be employed, but the agency will see if they can manage money and provide for the child. Health plays a major role also because the person who is going to adopt is required a medical exam to see if they are fit enough to keep up with the child. An application will not be accepted if you have major health issues. The agency wants the health exam to be taken for the child’s sake because they want the adoptive parents to live at least until the child’s adulthood. Some agencies also require that the kids are placed with the same race because it would be better to be with someone of the same ethnicity. This ethnic placing is not demanded, but it is practiced.
("Advice Guide")