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Academic Year Component

All new students are required to complete a College Prep course with Upward Bound. If the student has not completed College Prep in the summer, he/she will take this class during the regular school day in the academic year. This Upward Bound class is in addition to the student's regular language arts classes and is given for high school credit and a grade. The writing skills are built around units that take students through the different phases of college application and college survival including admissions, scholarship search, financial aid and SAT (Scholastic Achievement Test) preparation. Language Arts is emphasized because it has been found that entering college students need more help in written communication than any other skill.

Upward Bound staff also provide other classes for credit, depending on the year and resources available. Tutoring in academic areas such as math, are available as needed throughout the academic year.

We follow each student's academic progress closely and work with the school counselors to assist in developing academic goals. All students are also encouraged to participate in Upward Bound academic field trips and cultural events. In the past, trips included drama productions, museums, college fairs, Microsoft and visits to selected departments on the University of Washington campus and other campuses.

Upward Bound also works with students in choosing and applying for a postsecondary program and helps students think about a career. Work in this area begins during the student's junior year and continues through the end of the senior year. Staff prepare students to compete for scholarships and utilize resources in the community and educational institutions. The Counselor meets with students to discuss which postsecondary education program or college best meets that individual student's need.

In addition, those students who are eligible to attend the University of Washington may participate in a special Bridge Program during the summer after graduation from high school. This is the student's first quarter of college work, and Upward Bound staff help the student in filling out forms for admission and financial aid, in academic advising, and in succeeding in the first college courses. Upward Bound provides this tutoring and advising without charge; however, the student must apply for financial aid to cover tuition and other expenses.

UW Upward Bound
Box 355845
Schmitz Hall Rm. 580
Seattle, WA 98195
206-685-2457 Fax

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