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Summer Component

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Technology Use Policy
3. Stipends - Bus Transportation - Lunch Money
4. Behavior Code
5. Behavior Problems
6. Class Schedule
7. Important Dates


Upward Bound students spend six weeks commuting to classes on the University of Washington campus each summer. Classes run daily from 8:30 A.M. until 3:30 P.M. with a lunch break. The summer component is especially important because it affords students the opportunity of experiencing the academic and social atmosphere of a major university. Upward Bound students attend classes in the same buildings as regularly enrolled University students.

Students are eligible to earn stipends, lunch money, and bus tokens/passes while attending the summer program. Please click on the Table of Contents above for more detail.

During the summer program, staff arrange for a variety of special events that include field trips and an Awards Ceremony. During the Awards Ceremony, families and students are all invited for an evening of refreshments, the presentation of student awards and the viewing of class work. This ceremony is traditionally well attended and is the high point of a successful and intensive summer program.

Some of the UW Upward Bound Students will also apply for summer out of state Math/Science Centers. Students who participate will spend six weeks at one of the Math/Science locations that include California, Florida, Idaho, Hawaii and Alaska.

ThinkQuest is both a national and international Web Competition that students may also participate in during the summer component. These competitions give students hands on experience in research, writing and and web designing. Prizes in ThinkQuest include financial awards for the student's college tuition.

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Technology Use Policy

Each student will sign a contract guaranteeing he or she will abide by all laws and school policies regarding technology. A violation of these rules is a very serious matter and will likely result in expulsion from Upward Bound and perhaps even more serious consequences.

Students may not copy any software except that which an instructor indicates is shareware.

All disks used in Upward Bound or University of Washington computers must be checked for viruses before being used. Students may not use any disks except ones provided by UB without first talking to an instructor.

No food or drink may be taken into any University computer lab.

The use of technology is a privilege. Students must show courtesy in communication on the Internet and must abide by the Netiquet rules set by the instructor. Students must follow the instructor's direction regarding which programs on the computer may be opened by the student.

Students may not access areas of the Internet which are restricted for student use by an instructor.

Students may not change or disrupt BIOS, system, control panel, or network settings. Students must not try to access other computers on the local network unless specifically instructed to do so by a staff member.

Any student who even begins a process which is intended to destroy or erase programs or data on a computer will be restricted from technology use in UB, or dropped from the program.

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Stipends - BusTransportation
Lunch Money

The Upward Bound grant from the federal government permits students to be issued funds and transportation to help them participate in the program. This consists of a small stipend, bus tickets, and some lunch money. The student's eligibility for this support and the procedure for receiving them is described below.

If the student thinks the amount of a stipend, bus tickets, or lunch money is incorrect, he/she can discuss this with the Director.

Both new and continuing students receive a stipend on the last day of the program if they have completed the Summer Program satisfactorily. Continuing students receive $100 and new students $75.

Bus tickets are given to all students for class days in June and August and a bus pass is issued for the month of July. The program cannot replace a lost ticket or bus pass. The tickets and passes allow for travel at any time of the day for one zone.

In the summer, lunch money is available to all students and is issued once a week. Students receive $4.00 per day to help with the lunch expenses. Twice during the summer the amount of lunch money issued is reviewed to assess necessary reductions based on the students absences and tardies (3 tardies is the same as missing 1 class; missing one class in one day reduces the lunch money by $1.00, 2 classes $2, 3 or more classes in one day is $3)

A student who misses the distribution of any of these items must come to the office at any time other than during class.

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Behavior Code

This Behavior Code establishes some basic rules for all Upward Bound students in all UB classes and field trips. These rules reflect accepted behavior in all classes which the student will take, whether in high school or college. They are accepted in order to encourage the best work from students as well as remove the obstacles that may prevent true learning.

* Attend all classes
* Arrive on time to each class, field trip, or other activity. During the   Academic Year we will follow the attendance rules of the students   specific school.

During the Summer Program, when the student completes one semester's work in six weeks; consequently, attendance and promptness each day are essential. If a student misses two periods in any one class for any reason, the instructor may give him/her a warning and parents/guardian may be notified.

If the student is absent more than 3 times, he/she may be dropped from Upward Bound altogether.

An instructor may consider that two tardies are equal to one absence. If late, the student should just enter and resume work. In the summer, there is no distinction between "excused" and "unexcused" absences. There is no need to bring a note from parents or guardians.

During all Upward Bound activities, staff may take from a student any object which is not being used appropriately in that situation. Objects which endanger others may not be carried by a student at any time. Objects taken from a student may be retrieved from the Upward Bound Office or from the staff person at a later time. Smoking is not permitted at Upward Bound events.

Before class begins, students must take care of all personal business. This includes using the phone, going to the restroom, and talking with other students, instructors, or staff. Students must bring pencils, pens, and paper each day in addition to any other material required for the class.

Everyone is required to turn off pagers and phones when in class. Failure to do so may result in permanent confiscation of these items, reduction of stipend, extension of probationary period, or withdrawal from the program. There is no listening to walkman, application of make-up, or smoking in class. Many classes must prohibit eating and drinking in the classroom (such as science and computer labs). Each class will have its own rules about other types of behavior. The student is responsible for following each instructor's or staff's rules.

During class the students should remain in their seat unless instructed to.

Students must ask permission the day before in order to bring a friend or relative to class. Guests, however, are not allowed during any field trips. Friends may not wait outside the classroom door for students without prior approval of the instructor.

During the Summer Program we have our classes and offices in buildings occupied by University of Washington faculty, staff, and students. They are working before, during, and after our Upward Bound classes. It is a privilege for Upward Bound to be able to hold classes in University classroom buildings. It is a privilege that can be lost by inappropriate behavior. We cannot disrupt their working environment by loud talking, running in the buildings, or messing up their work and lounge areas. We need to behave as serious college students. Writing or otherwise marking up any walls, floors, or other items in or around the University campus is strictly prohibited.

Students must use pay phones when making calls from the University campus. If there is an emergency, a student should come to the Upward Bound office and may use the phone there. Students may not ask to use phones in University offices or in University student lounges.

Help us keep this campus a beautiful place to be. Pick up after yourself. Place items appropriately in the recycle bins or garbage. Do not leave anything behind in a classroom or any other campus area.

Smoking is not permitted in any University building.

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Behavior Problems

Probation Status may be reinstated at any time if the student fails to meet standards set by the school and/or program relative to attendance, behavior, and/or academic progress.

Inappropriate material which is not put away may be confiscated until the end of the day.

If the student is disruptive in class (such as talking when other students are contributing to class discussion or when the instructor is talking or ridiculing or fighting with other students) he/she will be asked to leave the classroom and, in the summer, report to the Upward Bound office to talk with the Director. If this happens more than once or if the first occasion is especially serious, the student may be placed on probation or expelled from the program.

If a student is disruptive outside of class, he/she may be given a warning, placed on probation, or expelled from the program. The response will depend upon the seriousness of the offense.

If the student does not show academic progress after appropriate assistance is provided (e.g. tutoring, make-up test, make-up project), and if it is determined that lack of progress results from lack of initiative and industry, we may reinstate probationary status or put the student on a contract.

Once placed on an academic, attendance, and/or behavior contract, progress will be monitored for a specified time. If sufficient progress does not occur, we may expel the student from the program.

Anyone caught with a weapon will be referred to the University or Seattle Police and immediately expelled from the program.

Students placed on any type of contract during their first year in the program will be reviewed after 15 months to determine if their improvement is sufficient for them to remain in the program. The Upward Bound Program is required to track college status and graduation for all students who have been in Upward Bound for 18 months.

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Program Dates
June 23rd - August 1st, 2003

Upward Bound Summer Class Schedule

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3


Period 4
Period 5





LA 1
Schmitz 490

LA 3
Schmitz 490


LA 2
IC Lab/ Lib.
UB Web
Mac Kenzie
TA Ohnemus
IC Lab
TA Ohnemus
GLD 117
ECC Theater

TA Pirrie
JHN 111
CHL 021/105

TA Pirrie
CHL 025/021

GLD 442

GLD 117


June 23rd-------------------- 8:30 Orientation/Picnic/Scholar's Bowl; ECC Theater & Ravenna Pk
June 24th --------------------Staff Meet, 12:00-12:40, Rm 490
June 27th --------------------T-Shirt Design Competition Deadline
June 30th --------------------Announce T-Shirt Design Award
July 1st -----------------------Staff Meet, 12:00-12:40, Rm 490
July 4th -----------------------Holiday - no school
July 7th -----------------------No School
July 8th -----------------------Staff Meet, 12:00-12:40, Rm 490
July 11th , 12th, 13th ----Oregon Scholar's Bowl; Leave 9AM 7/11 Return 4:30PM 7/13
July 14th ---------------------No School
July 15th ---------------------Mid-Term Progress Due, Staff Meet, 12:00-12:40, Rm 490
July 18th ---------------------Bite of Seattle; Writing Assignment
July 22nd -------------------- Seattle Biomedical Research Institute & SPU Field Trip
July 23rd -------------------- Announce Writing Award from July 18th FT,
Staff Meet, 12:00-12:40, Rm 490
July 29th ---------------------Staff Meet, 12:00-12:40, Rm 490
July 31st ---------------------Program evaluations/Post Tests
August 1st -------------------Finals/Awards Cer/Stipend Distribution; ECC Theater & ECC Ctr
August 4th -8th ------------
Grades Due (4th) Comments Due 8AM & Final Staff Meeting (8th)

August 25th -27th--------Class of 2003 Senior Prep Workshop & Overnight, Ocean

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UW Upward Bound
Box 355845
Schmitz Hall Rm. 580
Seattle, WA 98195
206-685-2457 Fax

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