Lie Fan Z.

Current Projects

I am currently working on a home page for UB. We did not start our project at the beginning of the class, but learned about how to master the creation of databases first. I now know how to get different fields in and I am pretty much familiar with it. I hope that later this will become a very useful skill for me.

Favorite WWW.

So far, I have been browsing all over the Internet for information about basketball, because I love basketball. I guess that is my favorite web subject. I don' t have a specific favorite web site.


During the years of my childhood, my family were under what you might call middle class. Although we didn't have much of wealth, we were still a happy family with lots of respect and hope for each other. It is normal for a boy to be curious, for someone like me who has not seen all the world yet. I was really anxious to feel the taste of having lots of money. I told myself to set a goal, that everyone in my family will share a piece of my wealth if I am going to be rich.

I see myself as a very ambitious teenager. I plan to get a Masters Degree on business administration or management. After that, I want to start my very own company, actually corporation would be a better word. I would like to become someone who is worth more than Bill Gates, more famous than Michael Jackson, and be remembered forever. Maybe I will have my birthday as a holiday for the world. Now I am not even there at the first step yet. I will give more than the best I have.


I used to do a lot of collecting of coins, stamps, all kind of sports cards, and comics. Now I think they are really childish and useless. So now I keep them in mint condition and wait for their value to increase, so I can make some profit out of it. My hobbies now are bowling, basketball, fishing, and hanging out late at night. The following is a clip from Encarta on fishing and basketball

Basketball, athletic sport, usually played on an indoor court in which two competing teams of five players each attempt to score by throwing an inflated ball so that it descends through one of two baskets suspended, at each end of the court, above their heads. The team scoring the most such throws, through field goals or foul shots, wins the game. Because of its continuous action and frequent scoring, basketball is one of the most popular spectator as well as participant sports in the world. [1]


[1]"Basketball," Microsoft® Encarta® 96 Encyclopedia. © 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. © Funk & Wagnalls Corporation. All rights reserved.

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