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HOme Class


Byron's Hero


Name one of your favorite super heroes and tell us why you chose this hero.

When I was a kid I always liked Superman because he was everything I hoped to be however impossible.


If you were an evil villain, what would you name yourself and why?
 Dr. Entropy – By the physics of thermodynamics, entropy is generated by all actions in the universe. Unfortunately for the universe (but fortunately for Dr. Entropy) this leads to increased chaos. What this means is that as the universe ages it will become more and more chaotic and less and less a habitable place. How evil!

 If you were given the choice to take a super hero’s power, what would it be?
I would want Peter Petrelli’s chameleon power from the Heroes show. If I could borrow the others’ powers then in the end, I could do all that the other heroes can do.

If you were a super hero, what would your weakness be?

Maraschino cherries—cherries that have been bleached, denutrified and artificially sweetened to a sickening level would be anyone’s downfall.
