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HOme Class


Jose's hero


Name one of your favorite super heroes and tell us why you chose this hero.

Michael Jordan, b/c he soared in the air with power and grace like an eagle. He charged forward to victory, like a bull in the ring, when his teammates needed him the most. Jordan would steal the ball, like a thief in the night, as if their lives depended on protecting their home court. He gave kids dreams and goals, that they hold dear in their hearts to this day. People around the world adored him as a saint. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball hero who ever lived.


If you were an evil villain, what would you name yourself and why? '

'The Blueprint', b/c I would know how to create every possible way to destroy a person, community, country, world and even universe from the ground up. More powerful than Apocalypse, Hitler, Kings, Presidents, and Drug Lords. All fathomable suffering and anguish would be unleashed on a nation of people. I could shape-shift into any person, animal, or object I wanted. I could be the air if need be. Corrupting their mind, body and souls, while destroying everything they knew, and they never would see it coming. I would be 'The Blueprint'.


If you were given the choice to take a super hero's power, what would it be? '

Peter Terrelli's', from NBC's Show called 'Heroes' would be my source of power. He has the ability to absorb other heroes' power (if they're near him) and keep it without killing anyone, then use any of them when the time is right. He was still a human (or appeared to be one like Clark Kent) while he battled evil forces.


If you were a super hero, what would your weakness be?

Pluto's dust particles can suffocate me.
