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3DL - 3DL Partnership 3DL - 3DL Partnership

About Us

The 3DL Partnership is a joint initiative of the UW School of Social Work and the College of Education dedicated to raising the profile and practice of all three dimensions of learning—social, emotional and intellectual. We do our work in the real world, joining forces with local PreK-12 schools and youth organizations to provide innovative, community-based solutions that help prepare the whole child for success in school, work and life. Our interdisciplinary focus crosses traditional boundaries, leading to collaborative research, integrated practice and professional development.

3DL is dedicated to helping individuals acquire the skills, competencies they need to thrive in a fast-moving, interconnected world. We also serve as thought leaders to advance the exchange of ideas, accelerate the movement of research into practice, and influence policy nationally and internationally.

In our work at 3DL:

  • We strive to develop new methodologies that enhance, integrate and promote social emotional and intellectual learning.
  • We believe strongly in the power of collaboration to achieve things that none of us could achieve alone.
  • We are committed to long-term, sustainable partnerships that serve the interests of our community.
  • We work with each other and our partners in an atmosphere of mutual respect, support and trust.
  • We believe that strong, enduring relationships are built on trust, and trust is built on authenticity—being honest and transparent and following through.