Where Does Tenure Survive?










The College of Arts and Science still offers tenure eligibility to most of its faculty (63%) and there has been little change in the distribution since 1995. The College of Engineering has been adding contingent faculty during these years but 63% of the school's faculty remain tenure eligible. The Bothell and Tacoma campuses have a similar distribution of positions.

In other units tenure eligibility has been disappearing. In the School of Medicine it barely exists. Only 13% of faculty are tenure eligible. In other professional schools the decline is also well advanced: particularly in Public Health, Social Work, Oceanography, Public Affairs, and the Business School. [1]















"Most vulnerable are the contingent faculty who have been hired in teaching positions, usually paid less than their colleagues and denied any role in unit decision making."

















Even the Arts & Science and Engineering numbers are disturbing. At UC Berkeley, which does not have a Medical School, only 10 % of instructional faculty with full-time appointments are off the tenure track. At U. Wisconsin only 11% of full-time instructional  faculty are ineligible. At Colorado 13%. North Carolina 20%. Michigan 23%. [2]





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