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UW-BHS Workshop Program
October 19, 2007
Conference Program (pdf) 

UW-BHS Project Overview
Charles Hirschman

Session 1: "Getting Through High School"
(click here for audio)

Making It Through High School: A Life Table Analysis.
Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej

The Transition to High School: Initial HS Experiences and 9th Grade Failure.
Jerald Herting

Being Prepared, Getting in Trouble and Other Student Misbehaviors: A Comparison of Immigrants and the Native-Born.
Stephanie Ewert

Session 2: "The Transition to College"

(click here for audio)

Work Matters: Consequences of High School Employment on College Enrollment.
Irina Voloshin

“Bilingualism and Post-Secondary Educational Experiences among the Children of Immigrants.” Maya Magarati

Is there a Net Advantage of Private Schools?
Timothy Lum

Session 3: "Race and Ethnicity Dynamics"

(click here for audio)

Concepts and Measures of Race and Ethnic Identities: Glimpses from the UW-BHS.
Charles Hirschman

Measuring Observed Race: A Preliminary Report.
Anthony Daniel Perez

Session 4: "Evaluation of the WSA Program"

(click here for audio)

The Impact of the Promise of Scholarships and Altering School Structure on College Plans, Preparation, and Enrollment.
Jerald Herting

The Washington State Achiever Program: Pathways from Application to College Enrollment.
Charles Hirschman

The Impact of the WSA Program on Reducing High School Dropout.
Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej

Session 5: "Roundtable on the Future of UW-BHS"
(click here for audio)


Please direct questions and comments to charles@uw.edu