Zen Mindfulness Retreat, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Mindfulness Retreats (Zen Sesshins) are run by the Empty Cloud Sangha and are open to Human Service Professionals and Students. Priority is given to returning retreat attendees. More information can be found by visiting the Empty Cloud Sangha.


Interested persons can email karin_soloff@yahoo.com to be added to the waiting list.

Lead by

Randy Wolbert MSW, Sensei
Randy Wolbert first joined Behavioral Tech in 1999 as a contractual trainer; in 2015, he transitioned to a full-time role as Trainer and Consultant. Randy has trained and consulted throughout the United States and Canada and been involved with several large-scale system implementations of DBT. Randy is a long time Zen Student of Marsha Linehan Ph.D. Rōshi and has been doing additional Koan Study with Fr. Greg Mayers Rōshi. He was appointed a Zen teacher in the Empty Cloud Sangha by Willigis Jaeger Rōshi in 2016 and his appointment was confirmed by Marsha Linehan in April of 2018. He has been involved in attending, assisting with, and leading retreats in the US, Germany, and Chile.

Intended Audience

Individuals wishing to develop, and/or deepen their own personal mindfulness practice


Buenos Aires, Argentina