Center External Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

The function of the Science Advisory Committee (SAC) is to assist in evaluating the merit, value, and contribution of research projects, and the relevance and importance of individual organizational elements to accomplishing the overall goals of the Center.

The committee, which consists of approximately nine to twelve individuals who are experts in technical fields related to the goals of the Center, must meet at least once a year to discuss progress of activities and provide constructive feedback to the Center in an effort to improve the resulting research and strengthen the projects.

Clinical Studies

Dr. John Balmes, MD
SAC Chair
University of California, San Francisco
Department of Medicine

Dr. Nicholas Mills, MD
University of Edinburgh, UK
Centre for Cardiovascular Science

Exposure Science

Dr. Michael Brauer, ScD
University of British Columbia
Department of Medicine and School of Population and Public Health

Dr. Thomas Peters, PhD
University of Iowa
Department of Occupational and Environmental Health

Dr. Barbara Turpin, PhD
Rutgers University
Department of Environmental Sciences


Dr. C. Arden Pope, PhD
Brigham Young University
Department of Economics


Dr. Ian Gilmour, PhD
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Chief, Cardiopulmonary and Immunotoxicology Branch
Environmental Public Health Division

Dr. Jesus Araujo, MD, PhD
University of California at Los Angeles
Director of Environmental Cardiology

Dr. Sanjay Rajagopalan, MD
University of Maryland
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine


Dr. Brent Coull, PhD
Havard University (Harvard CLARC Member)
Departments of Biostatistics and Environmental Health