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12th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering

Visa Information

Some international participants will require a visa prior to arriving in this country.  Please check the website of the US State Department for detailed information.

If your entry to the U.S. requires a visa, you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.  If you need a formal letter of invitation from the meeting organizers as part of the visa application please contact the conference Secretariat at acwe@u.washington.edu.

Submission of final papers extended to April 30.

Oral Presenters
Poster Presenters

Information for Oral Presenters

E-mail notification was sent to authors of papers accepted for oral presentation. The final proceedings of the conference will include full papers which will be published electronically and available on a USB drive.

  1. Use this template for preparation of final papers. Papers may be 6-20 pages in length.
  2. Save your file and convert it to PDF or postscript format for submission and upload.
  3. To upload your final paper, please go to: https://www.softconf.com/d/12acwe
    and, on the left-hand side of the page, enter the passcode associated with your submission.
    (Your passcode was included in your acceptance email)

Below is information you may find helpful as you prepare your presentation:

  • Oral presentations will be allotted 15 minutes for the formal presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion. In consideration of all speakers, the session chairs will maintain these time limits rigorously.
  • Each presentation room will be equipped with a podium and microphone, a data projector, and a screen.
  • Your Moderator will be contacting you to provide general instructions and to request a short bio for introducing you to the audience.
  • As a reminder, all attendees including presenters are expected to register for the symposium. We encourage you to register early to take advantage of the discounted early fee.

Selected full papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics (JWEIA).

Poster Presenters

Congratulations to authors whose submissions have been accepted for poster presentation. Posters are an important part of the conference and will be featured during dedicated poster sessions on Monday, June 17, Tuesday, June 18 or Wednesday, June 19. Conference attendees will have access to view the posters starting in the morning, and authors must be available during the afternoon portion of the session to answer any questions. Each poster will be assigned a poster session and will be viewable one full day at the conference.

The final proceedings of the conference will be published electronically and available on a USB drive.

  • Poster presenters have the option of preparing a full paper (6-20 pages).
  • Your original 2-page submission will be included if you do not wish to submit a full paper.

Poster presenters who choose to prepare a full paper should follow the instructions below.

  1. Use this template for preparation of final papers. Papers may be 6-20 pages in length.
  2. Save your file and convert it to PDF or postscript format for submission and upload.
  3. To upload your final paper, please go to: https://www.softconf.com/d/12acwe
    and, on the left-hand side of the page, enter the passcode associated with your submission.
    (Your passcode was included in your acceptance email)

Poster Board Specifications

Each poster presenter will be assigned a posterboard. Boards will be numbered and you will be able to locate your assigned board. The poster boards are 4 feet high by 8 feet wide and are elevated on stands. The "usable" surface area of each poster board is 91" wide x 45" high (230cm x 114cm). Please prepare your poster to not exceed this size. Push pins and velcro will be available in the poster area to use for mounting your poster on your board.

The poster schedule including date, set-up time and dismantle time will be sent to individual poster presenters.



Conference Hosts:      AAWE logoUW CEESEAOC logo

12ACWE Sponsors


KPFF atc UW ISE dept