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12th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering

Submission Deadline: December 31, 2012

Call for Abstracts

FerryAbstract submissions are invited for the 12th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering (12ACWE) in Seattle, Washington, USA. The conference theme is Wind Effects on Structures, Communities, and Energy Generation. Submissions will be accepted beginning July 1, 2012.

Link to Abstract Submission Form (please read instructions below first)


Wind climate
Extreme value analysis and design wind prediction
Wind measurement and monitoring
Hurricanes, tornadoes and downburst characteristics
Wind-related hazards
Wind-borne debris
Structural aerodynamics
Wind loading and response of offshore platforms and turbines
Dynamic response and control
Computational wind engineering
Full-scale and field studies
Wind damage
Loss estimation and insurance
Wind and emergency management
Wind energy
Wind erosion
Dispersion of pollutants
Urban wind issues
Vehicle aerodynamics
Wind codes and standards
Wind engineering education

Presentation Types

Two types of presentations are invited for the conference:
  1. Oral presentation with full paper: This is the traditional type of presentation that has been used in the past in this conference series. Formatting instructions will be sent with acceptance notifications.

  2. Poster presentation: In addition to providing an alternate means of content delivery that many presenters prefer, poster presentations are particularly encouraged for works in progress that would not yet warrant a full paper. This mechanism will provide an opportunity for students and investigators who are not yet finished with a project to present their work and potentially get valuable feedback from their colleagues.

The final proceedings of the conference will include full papers which will be published electronically and available on a USB drive. Selected full papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics (JWEIA).

Abstract Contents and Length

Submissions for oral presentation/full paper require an extended abstract. This extended abstract should be a maximum of two pages in length (including tables and figures), and summarize the goals and objectives, methods used, and findings of the research or case study. Submissions for poster presentations require a one page abstract.

Submission Instructions

Submissions will be collected via an on-line form. Abstracts should be prepared and submitted electronically.

  1. Use this abstract template for preparation of extended abstracts.
  2. Save your file and convert it to PDF or postscript format for submision and upload. The filename should be 12ACWE-firstauthorslastname.pfd or .ps. If a person submits more than one abstract on which he or she is first author, a numeral should be added to the end of the filename (e.g., if for example author Mr. Vega submits two first author abstracts, the filenames would be 12ACWE-Vega1.pdf and 12ACWE-Vega2.pdf).
  3. Complete the requested fields on the on-line submission form (available July 1)
  4. Use the Upload link provided from the on-line form. For each abstract or paper submitted, use the Browse button to select your file and upload to the server.
  5. A confirmation page should appear immediately after a successful submission.
Link to Abstract Submission Form

Key Dates

  • Abstract Submissions Open: July 1, 2012
  • Extended Submission Deadline: December 31, 2012
  • Author Notification: February 4, 2013
  • Final Submission Deadline: April 1, 2013
  • Early Fee Deadline: April 15, 2013

Conference Hosts:      AAWE logoUW CEESEAOC logo

12ACWE Sponsors


KPFF atc UW ISE dept