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Dance 515 – Dance Research Methods

Course Name:

SLN: 12878
Meeting Time: M, F 10:30-12:20
Term: Spring 2014

This course will introduce students to a range of research methodologies currently used in dance scholarship. Because methodologies are informed by theoretical perspectives, we will to a certain extent invoke discussion of different theories out of which they developed. However, the focus of the course will be on the specific tools researcher use in dance research, the what and how of dance research if you will, rather than on the why of it.
Student learning goals
Ensure literacy in library and internet research skills
To introduce students to a range of methodological approaches used in dance research
To hone written and verbal skills in summarizing scholarly articles and evaluating methodology
To learn how to write a scholarly research proposal
To engage in critical debates in dance studies
General method of instruction
This course will be taught as a discussion-based seminar, with significant work outside of class expected.
Recommended preparation
While there are no prequisites for this course, graduate-level reading, writing, and thinking will be expected. A background in dance history, theory, or practice is an asset, but not required. A healthy curiosity about dance in its many expressions is essential.
Class assignments and grading
Assignments will include: reading, writing, oral presentations, peer reviews, short research assignments, and development of a research proposal.
Grades will be based on class participation, oral presentation, short response papers and other assignments, and a fully developed research proposal.