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GRDSCH 525 / HUM 595

Course Name: Acting Up: Amplifying Voices Through Interactive Theater as Pedagogy
Guest Lecturer: Theresa Ronquillo

SLN: 21240
Meeting Time: W, F 1:30-4:20
Term: Winter 2015

Want to make positive change in classroom and institutional climate so that all of our students thrive? In this cross-disciplinary course, students build practical skills in interactive social change theater to challenge institutional oppression and promote inclusive educational environments in classroom, institutional, and community contexts.
Culminates in public interactive theater performance and dialogue workshops.
Graduate students from all disciplines and UW campuses are welcome. Previous theater experience not required.
As educators and scholars, we all have the responsibility to create learning environments that promote student success. In this crossdisciplinary course, graduate students will learn to use the language and practice of theater to challenge institutional oppression, advance community dialogue and collective problem-solving, and promote inclusive educational environments in classroom, institutional, and community contexts. Graduate students from all disciplines and UW campuses are welcome. Students are not required to have previous theater or social action experience, but do need to be open to the process. The course culminates in a student-organized, public interactive theater performance and dialogue workshop.
Instructors Theresa Ronquillo (Center for Teaching & Learning) and Tikka Sears (Memory War Theater) co-direct the Interactive Theater as Pedagogy Project (ITPP).
Questions about the course? Email
For more information about ITPP:
Co-Sponsored by the UW Certificate in Public Scholarship, a partnership of the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences at UW Bothell, the Simpson Center for the Humanities, and The Graduate School, and the Center for Teaching & Learning.