Health Sciences Services

March 20, 2013

Sarah Hanna of Hall Health Center Is Nominated for UW Distinguished Staff Award

The UW Distinguished Staff Award was established back in 1997, and is awarded to up to 5 people each year. In order to be nominated a UW staff member must provide superior service and continually contribute to a respectful, diverse, and collaborative work environment. In addition, nominees must exhibit exceptional resourcefulness and innovation, while exemplifying excellence and integrity in workplace interactions and decision-making.

Sarah Hanna is the PT Supervisor at Hall Health Center and has worked for Hall Health for over 10 years. Her commitment to Hall Health’s patients is exemplary. Congratulations to Sarah for being nominated for this notable award.

The Distinguished Staff Awards Reception, to honor this year’s nominees, will be held Tuesday, March 26, 2013 2:30pm-4:00pm in the HUB Ballroom, and is open to the UW Community. The awards will be presented at the Annual Awards of Excellence Ceremony later in the spring.