HSV-2 Suppression and HIV levels

Study Description

Two complimentary studies have enrolled 20 HIV/HSV-2 coinfected MSM and 20 HIV/HSV-2 co-infected women in Peru. The study is in final stages of data analysis and manuscript preparation. Based on positive findings of an association between HSV-2 suppression and plasma and anogenital HIV levels, a follow-up study of 20 HIV/HSV-2 coinfected persons in Seattle will be enrolled in a comparative study of lower and higher doses of acyclovir to determine whether higher doses of acyclovir lead to greater reductions in HIV levels in plasma and genital tract than the doses used in the prior studies (Valacyclovir 1 gram bid, compared to ACV 400 mg bid).


  1. Baeten JM, Strick LB, Lucchetti A, Whittington WLH, Sanchez J, Coombs RW, Magaret A, Wald A, Corey L, Celum C. Herpes Simplex Virus Suppressive Therapy Decreases Plasma and Genital HIV-1 Levels in HSV-2/HIV-1 Co-infected Women: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over Trial, J Infect Dis. 2008; 198: 1804-1808.
  2. Zuckerman R, Lucchetti A, Whittington W, Sanchez J, Coombs R, Zuniga R, Magaret A, Wald A, Corey L, Celum C.  Herpes simplex virus (HSV) suppression with valacyclovir reduces blood plasma and rectal HIV-1 levels in HIV-1, HSV-2 seropositive men: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial, J Infect Dis. 2007; 196(10): 1500-08.
  3. Zuckerman RA, Lucchetti A, Whittington WLH, Sanchez J, Coombs RW, Zuniga R, Magaret AS, Wald A, Corey L, Celum C. HSV suppression reduces seminal HIV-1 levels in HIV-1/HSV-2 coinfected men who have sex with men (MSM), AIDS, 2009 Feb 20;23(4):479-83.