Is PACES Right For You?

PACES provides adults with active seizure conditions with the tools they need to manage their conditions effectively. This section needs additional text.

Key Features of PACES:

PACES leverages five key features, based on consumer input and evidence-based trials, to ensure that the program works for participants:

Education about seizures types and available treatments, the influence of epilepsy on mood, stress, and cognition, and strategies for healthy lifestyle and active community engagement.

Training and practice using specific strategies to cope with stress and the blues.

Personalized goal-setting and support to help you articulate and pursue life changes that are important to you.

Qualified facilitator teams to include a trained epilepsy mental health professional and a trained peer with epilepsy.

A group program in person or by phone, depending on what works best for the participant.

Program Overview

A two-person facilitator team, consisting of a mental health professional and a peer with epilepsy, lead the PACES participant group through the program. The facilitator team organizes sessions, supports participant attendance, and leads each program session.

There are eight group sessions in total, and a session averages between 60 and 75 minutes long. Sessions are designed to work in person or over the phone. Each session covers a specific topic and the relevant skills and tools:

  1. Epilepsy and Medical Issues
  2. Dealing with Stress and The Blues (Part One)
  3. Dealing with Stress and The Blues (Part Two)
  4. Compensating for Cognitive Challenges
  5. Getting the Most out of Community Living
  6. Managing My Epilepsy Care
  7. Effective Communication About My Epilepsy
  8. My Health and Wellbeing

Participants also receive a manual with worksheets, resources, and reference material.

Getting Involved

PACES has been implemented in Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Montana, Michigan and Texas. We may be expanding to your area.

To get started with PACES as a participant, facilitator, or partner, please contact our team for information about program opportunities in your area:

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