WWAMI Rotations on UWPeds.org

2022 WWAMI Retreat Follow up Items

Hello Fantastic Faculty and Amazing Administrators,


Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the WWAMI retreat earlier this month at the beautiful St. Edward State Park. It was so wonderful to meet people in person! To those who were unable to make it, you were missed, and we hope to see you next time.


For follow-ups and reminders about some of the topics we discussed, see below and in these files:

Educator of Medical Student (blank evaluation)

Learning Climate PPT – Addie McClintok


Visiting Professor

Have a faculty member from Seattle Children’s or UW Medical Center visit for

  • Clinical Update in their area of expertise
  • Faculty Development (teaching, assessment, feedback)
  • Student Case Discussion (presented by the student)
  • Pre-planned patient consultation in their area of expertise
  • Social Event

Contact My Linh Nguyen at mylinh.nguyen@seattlechildrens.org if you are interested!


Health Sciences Library Access

Use your UW NetID to access free online resources. The Care Provider Tool Kit has links to several helpful resources such as UpToDate, PubMed and VisualDx. The Pediatric Clerkship Tool Kit has links to eBooks that students can access for studying and learning.

NOTE: If you need assistance to reset your password or to recover your UW Net ID, please go to this website or contact My Linh Nguyen (mylinh.nguyen@seattlechildrens.org).



The UW School of Medicine Center for Leadership and Innovation in Medical Education (CLIME) website has resources for teaching in different settings, podcasts, videos, and more. There is also information on different teaching programs and events.


Educator Resources -Pediatric Medical Student website

Pediatric specific educator resources, teaching tools, curriculum materials, policies, grade approach and more. The password is “UWSOM.”


Topic Of the Week

A link to the University of Washington Pediatric Residency website – a weekly teaching topic for continuity clinics. Students have found this to be helpful for reference and learning.


Access to Aquifer Cases

Faculty may access the Aquifer cases and case synopses by contacting Carla Salldin at carla.salldin@seattlechildrens.org and making a request for access.


Students and Evaluation Forms

Students are allowed to see the evaluation form. The items on the form align with their learning objectives which are in the clerkship manual. We will add the pdf version of the eval form (see attached) to their manual but feel free to share it with them, as well.


Day Before Exams

Students are required to participate in clinical activities the day before the test and should not be excused that day for studying. Students should be sent home by 6PM.


4th year Rotations

Do you know someone who is interested in having 4th year students for an elective or Advanced Patient Care (APC) or APC Sub-Internship?

For electives, contact Emily Myers, MD at Emily.myers@seattlechildrens.org

For APC or APC Sub-I rotations, contact Esther Chung at esther.chung@seattlechildrens.org.


Clerkship Student and Site Notifications 8 weeks Prior to Student Arrival

Approximately 8 weeks prior to each student’s arrival at your site an e-mail is generated to the student and all parties that need to be aware at your site. If you want others to be aware of the student’s arrival, please let me know and I can add them to the distribution list.

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Pediatric Clerkship Faculty Teaching Award – Student Nominated

This award is given to faculty providing a substantial contribution to medical education within the Pediatric Clerkship at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Staff and faculty within the Pediatric Student Programs office review the nominations. Three regional faculty members and one UW Department of Pediatrics faculty will receive the award and be presented with a certificate for their achievement. Winners will be announced in May 2023.

The nomination deadline for the 2022-2023 Academic Year is 4/14/23.

Students: Use this form to nominate faculty or scan the QR code below.


Share in an area where the student has access to this.


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