WWAMI Rotations on UWPeds.org

Credentialing and Site Information

IMPORTANT:  It is your responsibility to complete credentialing at your training sites. Failure to do so could result in requiring you to drop the rotation. All clerkship sites have different procedures and requirements, so read carefully, respond timely and follow-up on deadlines. It is your responsibility to provide all requested items per the instructions on your sites credentialing requirements.

Drug Testing: if your site requires drug testing, you will request the drug test through the UWSOM.

Letter of Good Standing: if your site instructions require a Letter of Good Standing, it can be obtained here.

Immunizations: if your site instructions require copies of current immunization records, they can be obtained here.

Background Release Authorization form: if your site requires a signature on a background release authorization form, you will direct the request to the UWSOM Compliance Office for signature from a school representative.

Should your site require a payment to register on a credentialing website, reimbursement can be submitted to the GoWWAMI office following the end of your clerkship rotation.

Detailed information on your clerkship site, including location, site contacts, credentialing procedures, housing, transportation and clerkship experience can be found here.

For any questions, please contact Griffan Martin, WWAMI Program Coordinator

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