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TQS 124 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I  Autumn 2008

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IAS TQS 124, Autumn 2008
Calculus with Analytic Geometry I

Instructor: Dr. Jennifer J. Quinn
Email: jjquinn@u.washington.edu

Office: GWP 413
Office Hours: T 3:30-4:30 pm; Th 1:30-2:30 pm; F 9:30-10:30 am
Telephone: 253.692.4794

Meeting Times and Locations

SLN 19115/6  TTh 10:20-12:25 pm in DOU 270
SLN 19514  MWF  8:00-9:25 am    in PNK 104

November 30 2008, 1:56 PM
Final Thoughts

I have prepared a brief outline and some questions that might be useful as you study for the final.

Reminder. Final exam is

 Thursday, December 11 from 10:20-12:25 pm in DOU 270
  Friday, December 12 from 8:00-10:05 am in PNK 104

Note that this second time may not match what is said by MyUW though I informed you for the change early in the quarter. You are to take the exam at the time corresponding to your class--but I am willing to let you take it at the other time if you if you talk with me before hand.

November 27 2008, 1:45 PM

It has become clear that I need to push the due dates for the next few assignments back. So rather than having electronic assignments due Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, everything is being pushed back to being due Tuesday, Thursday and the last assignment will become highly recommended (a final exam problem or two will come from this assignment and anything you chose to complete will count as extra credit.)

All these changes will be reflected when you log in to webassign.

November 16 2008, 4:52 PM
Test 2

We have a test coming up November 20/21 of this week.  It will cover Chapter 3-4.2. As with the previous test, you may have one half sheet of paper (5.5x8.5) of notes and your calculator. To help you study, here is a copy of a previous test that I gave in this class.  There are also some review questions that you can practice on Webassign.

When you visit Webassign, you will see that I have (to the best of my ability) assigned problems for the remainder of the quarter. Because of the test and Thanksgiving, we do not have an assignment every Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday. Assignments closer to the test are smaller. Assignments after Thanksgiving tend to be a little long-so you may want to get started early.

November 9 2008, 8:02 PM
Project 2 Available
Your second group project is now available. Get started early--because of Veteran's Day we don't have homework thisTuesday. Find a group. Make a progress report. Be ahead of the game. Due December 5.

November 5 2008, 7:53 AM
Grading Policy Clarification

Please be aware that after the submission deadline for online homework, you can return and view the key. This can help with questions about what you tried and why the machine doesn't recognize it. Sometimes they are easy...sometime they require my intervention.

Regardless, the computer will not give you an automatic extension if you have viewed the key. You can still request an extension manually, but...the penalty will be a 50% deduction of the point accumulated since the extension.

November 4 2008, 4:49 PM
Project information

Yes, what happened with Boston and Philadelphia is different. You need to read this article from the Philadephia Inquirer to find out how. (Apparently the link in the letter of solicitation does not work properly---and I am deeply sorry for that).

Assignment is due by midnight. I will accept submissions as attachments to e-mails but highly prefer paper assignments. (If you want to e-mail your assignment at midnight to prove that you are done and then bring a copy the next day, that is acceptable---preferable even.)

October 23 2008, 9:48 AM
Test 1 Rewrites

For those of you who would like to improve your score on exam 1, you may carefully rework and rewrite any/all problems of the exam and submit for rescoring. You have until Friday. October 24 at 5 pm.

I will increase your original score (not your adjusted score) by 1/2 of the new points earned. This is a good opportunity to reflect on your learning, study habits, and goals for this class. If you were not in class to pick up your exam, you may find me during office hours Thursday (1:30-2:30 pm) or Friday (9:30-10:30 am).

October 17 2008, 4:37 PM

You will need your calculator on the test. Please bring one with you.

You are also allowed to bring a 8.5x5.5 (half a sheet) page of notes (single sided only).

September 30 2008, 5:22 PM
Project 1 available

Your first group project is now available. Get started early. Find a group. Make a progress report. Be ahead of the game. Due November 5.

September 22 2008, 10:09 AM
Important business

There is a lot of "business" that has to happen in this first week:

  1. We will have a course Blackboard Website. Blackboard have been upgraded and you will need to create an account (even if you previously had one) and then enroll in the course. The password for enrollment is "math".
  2. I will be having frequent, small, low-stakes homework assignments due three or four times a week using WebAssign. Your textbook may have come bundled with an access card for the quarter (or you may  purchase access from www.webassign.net).

    If you are in the MWF class your Class Key is uwt 7846 7825.If you are in the TTh class you Class Key is uwt 8807 9594
  3. In addition to business, you are to complete the diagnostic tests A (by 26th), B (by 27th) , C, D (by 28th) by midnight. You may rework and resubmit your answers up to five times. If you cannot meet the deadline, you may request an automatic 24 hour extension.
  4. Please take this survey to help us better plan future UWT math courses. It is anonymous and has no effect on your grade in the course.
  5. ANOTHER survey---this time to select office hours. Thanks for your help.