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TQS 125 Calculus with Analytic Geometry II  Winter 2008

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IAS TQS 125, Winter 2008
Calculus with Analytic Geometry II

Instructor: Dr. Jennifer J. Quinn
Email: jjquinn@u.washington.edu

Office: SCI 208
Office Hours: M11-12, T 3-4, F10-11 and by appointment
Telephone: 253.692.4794

Meeting Times and Locations

SLN 18551  TTh 10:30 am- 12:45 pm in PNK 104

February 19 2008, 12:48 PM
Big Changes!

First, we are postponing the second exam from Thursday, February 28 to Tuesday, March 4. Never before have I received a unanimous vote (though not everyone participated).

Second, we are switching the class time for Calc III next quarter. In order to accomodate several schedule conflicts, it will now be offered TTh from 8-10:15 am. This is not ideal (for you or me). Perhaps we can make it more fun by bringing in coffee, bagels, etc on a regualr basis??!?!?! I hope this doesn't deter you from enrolling. It should make an appearance in the registration guide shortly.

February 18 2008, 8:27 PM
Consulting Project 2 Assigned

Time to think about the next project. The turn around time is rather short (three weeks). So get started early if you can. Important deadlines: report your group and initial findings by February 29. Final Project due March 7.

January 21 2008, 11:16 AM
First Hour Test is Approaching

Our first hour test is scheduled for Thursday, January 31. It will cover Section 4.9, 5.1-5.5, and 6.1-6.5 (which we should finish by the end of this week.)

January 16 2008, 3:24 PM
Consulting Project 1

Contract letter specifying requirements of your first writing project is now available.

January 14 2008, 11:14 AM
Blackboard Site Available

Please enroll yourself in the classes blackboard site. This way I can record your scores online. The course ID is TQS125A-Quinn. The search function on Blackboard doesn't seem to work well. I found it by selecting "Tacoma Academic Courses", "Interdisciplinary Arts & Science", "126-150" (at the bottom of the page), and scrolling down to the course. The access code  is "number".

January 10 2008, 3:53 PM
Office hour survey

Please complete the office hour survey ASAP. I want to set times that satisfy the greatest number of students.

January 4 2008, 10:18 AM

Welcome to TQS 125. We will focus on understanding integral calculus this quarter.Thanks to Dr. Horak for teaching the first day of class. I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday morning.