Walk a Mile Making Politics Personal.

Many organizations have found the project so valuable that they have continued to coordinate Walk a Mile projects annually.


Coordinators' Training

The Process

The Walk a Mile Coordinator’s Training is fun, creative and inspiring. It is an opportunity for coordinators to learn how to organize a successful project, encourage other coordinators in their work and form a common bond through the WAM experience.

The two-day training teaches every step in organizing a program, from recruiting low-income people and public policymakers; to getting endorsers on board to support a project; to sending media releases; and planning the final celebration at the end. Coordinators receive a detailed manual with discs of forms, stationary and other templates making coordinating a project as easy as possible.

How to apply: Registration Forms can be downloaded here. For more information about registration, e-mail Program Director Natasha Grossman at natasha@walkamile.org. Some scholarships may be available. Please download the scholarship application here.

After the training, coordinators receive on-going coaching and technical assistance from WAM National. Some mini-grants may be available to assist with the costs of coordinating a WAM project.

Photo of woman and child.

"The materials and training you provided were invaluable and without them we could not have been successful with the time and resources that were available to us…

With the continual influx of new policymakers there is always going to be a need for bringing people together to walk a mile."