Organic Chemistry Web-Study Activities:   C.  Reaction Mechanism Practice Study Aids   

Organic reaction mechanism computer tutorials, using "draw and compare" interactivity.  (Except as otherwise noted, these units courtesy of Peter Slade, University College of the Fraser Valley.)

NOTE:  Not all buttons may work on these trial versions.  For example, to quit or exit a unit you may need to close the browser window, rather than click on a button.

Comments and suggestions should be sent to Darrell J. Woodman at
click here for Woodman Home Page

units not hi-lited in color below are being revised and are temporarily unavailable

Homolysis and Heterolysis.

Acid-Base Reactions

SN2 Mechanism

SN1 Mechanism

E2 Mechanism:  Dehydrohalogenation of an Alkyl Halide

Alkene Addition - Hydrogen Halides

Alkyne Addition Reactions - Halogens, Hydrogen Halides, Hydration

Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution  - Monosubstitution of Benzene

Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution  - Disubstitution of Phenol

Alkyne Addition Reactions - Halogens, Hydrogen Halides, Hydration

Nucleophilic Addition to a Carbonyl

Hemiacetal Formation

Acid Catalyzed Hemiacetal Formation

Aldol Condensation

Grignard Carbonation  (by D. J. Woodman)

Acyl Substitution

Cyclization of a Monosaccharide

Glycoside Formation

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