ACES: Association of Chemical Engineering Graduate Students

April 1, 2019

2011 Outreach Events

Summer Outreach with MESA:

High school freshmen enjoying the silly putty polymerization experiment.

Greg showing students how to make ice cream using liquid nitrogen.

Chris doing a liquid nitrogen experiment for a group of students.

Jeff and Trent using liquid nitrogen to freeze and shatter roses, racquet balls, and other items to display the concept of temperature related to material properties, such as brittleness.

2011 UW Engineering Discovery Days:

Janet providing information about our field to a potential ChemE recruit and her parent.

Chris and Janet running the “Intro to ChemE” booth at UW discovery days.

Chris giving the Introduction to ChemE speech to some eager young minds.

Folks getting their feet wet with the “walk on water” experiment.

2011 Cleveland High School Outreach Activity

Group of ACES volunteers with faculty sponsors.

Back row (left to right): Prof. Jim Pfaendtner, Michael Deighan, Jeffrey Richards, John Bae, Beau Richardson (ACES Outreach Chair), Prof. Danilo Pozzo Front row: Kelly Fleming, Rami Foster (ACES Social Chair)