You’re fed up. You want to get involved. We hear you.
Artists tend to be an active and passionate bunch. When they see something wrong in the world, they want to get involved and fix it. But when that something is politics, it’s hard to figure out where to begin.
That’s where Artist Campaign School comes in: we’ll train you in everything you need to know to get your political campaign up and running. From fundraising to putting together policy statements, we are bringing together top-tier campaign veterans who will provide you with practical knowledge and set you up for a successful bid. All we need from you is a vision and the will to run—and we’ll fly you in and put you up at a hotel for an intense weekend of creating your campaign plan and developing your strategy. If you are ready to make a serious impact in your community and stand up for artists values, apply today!
Artist Campaign School is open to artists and arts administrators from across the political spectrum, regardless of the profile of the office you seek—we believe that some of the most important decisions that affect our community are being made at the local level.
We will be accepting applications August 1, 2017–September 15, 2017. Applicants will be reviewed on a rolling basis and those selected will be notified in mid-September 2017. We anticipate accepting 100 applicants for the Fall 2017 cohort, and the training will be held in late October—exact dates and times to be announced by August 15, 2017. Please check this page for further updates or sign up below to be included in our email list.
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