Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund

Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund

Supporting the creative community.

We’ve established the $1M Adobe Creative Residency Community Fund to help visual creators stay on track and achieve their dreams. If you have any questions not addressed on this site, check out our FAQs.

Each year we get an incredible number of applicants to the Adobe Creative Residency program. This year, in response to the extensive need in the creative community for monetary support and career guidance, we’ve decided to expand the program. In addition to the new Creative Residents this year, we’re excited to announce a $1 million Creative Residency Community Fund. This fund will enable us to support many more creators by funding their projects and hiring them for Adobe-commissioned projects.

The motto of the Creative Residency program is “Create. Share. Activate. Empower.” As always, the creators we select will be passionate about creating personally fulfilling work, sharing their journeys, and activating fellow creatives to craft the careers they want by empowering them with knowledge.

Applying to the Community Fund

You can choose to apply for one of the following: a paid Adobe project commission or a grant for your own project.

Download application PDF

1. Funded projects

See the application PDF above for details on how to submit a project proposal.

If your project is selected for funding, you’ll receive a grant for anywhere between US$500 and US$5,000, with the amount to be determined by the selection committee.

2. Adobe Project Commissions

See the application PDF above for details on how to apply for an Adobe-commissioned project.

If you’re selected to work on commission, you’ll receive between US$500 and US$5,000. The amount will be determined by the selection committee based on the length of the engagement and the scope of work.

Commission opportunities vary depending on time of year and company focus.

Selection is determined based on how well a candidate’s skills match the opportunities available.


The Creative Residency Community Fund is open to creators in all countries. To apply, you must be a creator of visual work.

To apply to the Creative Residency Community Fund, you must be a visual creator who’s also:

Proficient in English (except for Japanese candidates, who must be proficient in Japanese)
At least 18 years old (no advanced degree needed)

We’re especially interested in the following types of work, but we always consider great projects of all types if they showcase Creative Cloud capabilities:

Photography / Photo art
Graphic Design
Motion design
Product / Interface design (UI/UX)

Note: Because we want to support as many people as possible, fund recipients may only apply once.


We’ll accept and evaluate applications on a rolling basis. The next application period is open June 1st through August 31st, 2020.

For more information and to see a full timeline and apply, click here.