Barbara Hammer Lesbian Experimental Filmmaking Grant | Accepting Applications


The Barbara Hammer Lesbian Experimental Filmmaking Grant is an annual grant that will be awarded to self-identified lesbians for making visionary moving-image art. Work can be experimental animation, experimental documentary, experimental narrative, cross-genre, or solely experimental. Applicants must be based in the U.S. This grant was established by Hammer in 2017 to give needed support to moving-image art made by lesbians. The grant is supported directly by funds provided by Hammer’s estate and administered through Queer|Art by lesbians for lesbians, with a rotating panel of judges. This year Queer|Art is pleased to announce the grant has increased to $7,000.

Applications for the Barbara Hammer Lesbian Experimental Filmmaking Grant are open September 1st – November 1st.

For questions, email Barbara Hammer Grant Manager Vanessa Haroutunian at


APPLICATIONS OPEN – September 1, 2020



***There is a $6 application fee***

Queer|Art uses the online application software SlideRoom to organize applications. SlideRoom charges applicants for the Barbara Hammer Lesbian Experimental Filmmaking Grant a fee of $6 for each individual application. The fee does not profit Queer|Art.


What information does the application require?

  • Contact info, narrative bio, and headshot

  • Synopsis of project and strategy for exhibition

  • Budget

  • Work samples (2 samples, no more than 7-10 minutes total)

  • 2 professional references

  • CV

What is required in the synopsis and budget?


  • Description of the project and the process by which it will be made. (Up to 300 words) *Required

  • What is your timeline for completing the work and strategy for its exhibition? (Up to 125 words) * Required

  • Are there any additional aspects of this work you would like the panel to be aware of? (Up to 125 words) *Not required

Budget (one page, uploaded as PDF):

Your budget should account for how the work will be made (you do not need to include presentation costs). If the cost of production exceeds the grant amount, please indicate within the budget any confirmed funding you have received or additional funding you anticipate that will enable you to complete this project.

Questions? Please carefully review our Frequently Asked Questions at the link below before contacting us with questions about the grant or application process. Thank you!