4Culture seeks Arts Program Director
4Culture is recruiting for a collaborative, adaptive arts leader with a passion for serving the community through the arts and expanding arts access and racial equity to the people and communities who have historically faced barriers to arts opportunities in King County. As the Arts Program Director, you will provide management and strategic direction of the 4Culture arts department within the context of the 4Culture Strategic Plan including drafting and evaluating the annual departmental work plan and budget. You will lead an exceptional staff team of five and facilitate a group of dedicated volunteers on the arts advisory committee to achieve your goals. In addition to serving as a program manager to one or more arts programs, you will also play a key role in rebuilding King County’s arts community in the wake of the pandemic, overseeing the development and implementation of new and ongoing arts programs aimed toward recovery in collaboration with local and regional community partners, arts specialists, arts organizations, and other 4Culture programs. The Arts Program Director is considered a senior leader and key contributor to a management team focused on organizational change management, policy development, and strategic planning. This position reports to the deputy director.
As the cultural funding and services agency for King County, Washington, 4Culture works to make the region vibrant. The organization’s four program areas—Arts, Heritage, Historic Preservation, and Public Art—put public resources to use all over King County. The Board, Executive Director, staff, and Advisory Committees are committed to addressing racial, geographic, and income-related funding inequities and to create an environment in which all King County residents have access to cultural opportunities.
4Culture is an independent public agency, chartered under state law and a King County ordinance. In January 2003, after thirty-five years as the King County Office of Cultural Resources, 4Culture was created to continue providing cultural services to King County residents and visitors, with the flexibility of a non-profit and the rigor of a public agency. The ideal candidate for this position has a demonstrated commitment to advancing racial equity, through programs, planning, administration, and vision.
Program planning and management
– Serve as lead staff in developing, implementing, and evaluating 4Culture’s arts programs.
– Oversee coordination of arts funding programs, including technical assistance, application and guidelines development, oversight of panel process, and contract administration.
– Develop and manage the arts program in keeping with arts advisory committee long-range planning, including identifying community needs, new resource development, arts initiatives, and partnerships with other governmental and nonprofit arts organizations.
– Supervise program managers and support specialists including conducting annual performance evaluations.
– Develop an annual departmental work plan and budget, in collaboration with the arts advisory committee, funding program managers, deputy and executive directors.
Community engagement
– Facilitate staff responsibilities for the arts advisory committee, including coordination and documentation of meetings, recruitment of committee members, and overseeing development of long-range plans and policies.
– Serve as primary 4Culture liaison to the arts community; respond to information requests from the public; and serve as primary contact for the arts department.
– Serve as 4Culture liaison and facilitator for the Local Arts Agency Network.
– Represent 4Culture at applicable local, state, regional, and national events, meetings, and conferences.
– Contribute to the overall health and welfare of 4Culture by participating on internal committees that address overarching issues affecting the agency operations and working collaboratively to create publications, presentations, and other 4Culture outreach and advocacy materials.
– Prepare semi-annual presentations for the 4Culture Board of Directors and attend monthly board meetings as necessary to address program funding recommendations.
– Understand and support 4Culture’s mission of advancing racial equity and equitable access for all King County residents through participation in trainings, initiatives, and program development.