RSO Philosophy of Medicine is Recruiting Members for Spring!

Philosophy of Medicine is recruiting members for Spring, and we’d love for you to join the club! If you have registered before, no need to re-register for the quarter.
  • During meetings, we will be discussing medical dilemmas present today relating to a topic (i.e. abortion, disability in fetuses, etc.). We will also generate ideas about how a health professional might behave in a scenario. This is an open-discussion club to help gain perspective and ideas about healthcare topics. All students are welcome, even in your field is not healthcare related!
  • This is a great opportunity for pre-health and pre-medicine students to learn about the roots of healthcare as well as sharpen their reasoning skills before entering potential graduate/medical school. You might even discover the reasons why you want a career in healthcare along the way. The goal is to see others’ perspectives and to reflect on them.
*If interested:
  1. Please visit–
  2. Login using netid, and click “join”.
  3. You can also email us at or for more information.
*Meetings are via Zoom. Meeting times will be decided after a members survey. We will be meeting biweekly this Spring (4 meetings total).
Hope to see you in meetings.