Azalea Arts – Open Call for Artists

We’re excited to invite artists from all backgrounds and disciplines to submit their work for our ‘Open Theme’ exhibition. This is a space for you to showcase the pieces that best represent your artistic vision, without the constraints of a specific theme. Whether your work reflects personal experiences, explores abstract concepts, or captures the beauty of everyday life, we encourage you to share it with us. This exhibition is about celebrating diversity in art and providing a platform for a wide range of creative voices.

Open to artists 18+ working in all mediums, including but not limited to painting, sculpture, photography, digital art, mixed media and video. Applicants are not restricted on the number of entries but each entry is limited to 3 artworks. If you are submitting a 3D object, you may provide up to 3 images of said artwork to show different angles. This is an international exhibition.

The deadline for Open Theme is October 15th, 2024 and the entry fee is $6 for 3 images. Accepted participants will be notified two weeks after the deadline. The exhibition will go live on November 1st, 2024. Find updates on our Instagram and by subscribing to our newsletter! Please note this is an online exhibition.


1st, 2nd &  3rd Place

1st Place will receive an artist interview.

Juror: Artist & Founder: Katarina Bishop

Image Exporting Instructions

  • Jpeg Files

  • 1500 px long side

  • 300 DPI

  • LastName_FirstName_Title


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