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Community Health Care for Adults and Elders with Developmental Disabilities Research and Training

A Project of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)
funded by the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC)

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Curricula for Health Care Professionals

Physicians Assistants

  • Community Health Care for Adults with Developmental Disabilties by Doug Cook, PhD

Family Practice

  • Primary Care for the Adult with Developmental Disabilities* by Karen Anderson, MD, MPH
*These practice guidelines have been developed by Community Services Network of West Tennessee, Inc. to assist physicians and other healthcare professionals. Practitioners are encouraged to use the information provided in the guidelines. It is no the intention of CSN to provide specific medical advice for particular patients and the recommendations contained in the guidelines may not be appropriate for use in all circumstances. Any decision to adopt a particular recommendation must be made by the practitioner based upon available facts and circumstances presented by individual patients.
It is not the intention of CSN in promulgating these guidelines to interfere with the provider/patient relationship, nor are these guidelines intended to represent the standard of care in any given circumstance. These guidelines are recommendations to be used in the sole discretion of the provider and are not meant to dictate the manner or style of clinical practice employed in rendering services to a particular patient.


Nurse Practitioners

  • The Nurse Practitioner’s Role in Caring for Adults with Developmental Disabilities by Lisa Krogman, RN, MN

Primary Care of Elders with Disabilities

  • Developmental Disabilities in the Elderly by Les Sauvage, MD

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Updated 02/7/05


AEDD at University of Washington
Box 357920, Seattle, WA 98195-7920

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